Straight Consult s.r.o.

Identifiers and contacts

Identification data:

  • Seat: Prague 10, Brigádníků 9, 100 00, The Czech Republic
  • ID: 282 12 070
  • Tax ID: CZ 282 12 070
  • Bank account: 1028238787/5500
  • Company registered in Municipal Court in Prague, section C, file no.  132981
  • Data box ID: mmy4x4k   

Headquarters and postal address:

  • Brigádníků 1923/13, Prague 10, PSČ 100 00, The Czech Republic


  • +420 602 660 475 (Otakar Pártl)


How to find us:!/zakladni?x=14.4975328&y=50.0748105&z=16&source=addr&id=9096543

Travelling by car:

  • Parking is available on the street Brigádníků

Travelling by public transport:

  • Metro line A - station "Strašnická", then about 700 m walk 
  • Tram line 5 or 7 - stop "Solidarita" or "Zborov-Strašnické divadlo", then about 500 m walk
Straight Consult
Brigádníků 9
100 00 Praha 10
Czech republic
European-level energy consultancy
© 2007